HAMcast developers

Version 19 (modified by Sebastian Meiling, 13 years ago) (diff)


HAMcast - Developers Webpages


HAMcast provides a system architecture for a universal multicast service. The concept combines an abstract naming scheme (based on URIs), a common API and a system-centric service-middleware, as well as gateways (IMGs) to cross technological and administrative network borders. The HAMcast prototype was developed at the INET research group, HAW Hamburg (Link). The current software release contains the multicast API (C++ library) for group application development, the middleware as a userspace systemservice, and several multicast-technology modules.

The prototype is still work in progress, comments and contributions are very welcome.

Where to Start

  • HAMcastHowTos -- Step-by-step tutorials to build, configure and run HAMcast


February 2012

  • (13.) New prototype release available, see here.

January 2012

  • (13.) Java API DoxyGen-Docu online, see here. New prototype release incl. Java API soon.

August 2011

  • (31.) Relaunch of developers webpages
  • (16.) Update of HAMcast prototype (v0.4)

May 2011

  • (27.) Update of HAMcast prototype (v0.3.2)
  • (20.) Update of HAMcast prototype (v0.3.1)
  • (16.) First release of HAMcast prototype (v0.3)

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