== !HowTo Configure the HAMcast prototype == ---- This is an example of ''midddleware.ini'' to configure our prototype. The format and syntax conforms to the INI standard, mainly consisting of key-value pairs with option sections. The middleware.ini has to reside in the run path of the ''middleware'' binary. '''Note''' different file types for module libs, this is OS dependent: ''.dylib'' for MacOS and ''.so'' for Linux. {{{ [global] ;log_level=none ;log_level=trace ;log_level=debug ;log_level=info ;log_level=warn ;log_level=error ;log_level=fatal ;uncommented as needed ;[void_module] ;file=../modules/void/.libs/libvoid_module.dylib ;file=../modules/void/.libs/libvoid_module.so ;[loopback_module] ;file=../modules/loopback/.libs/libloopback_module.dylib ;file=../modules/loopback/.libs/libloopback_module.so ;[ip_module] ;file=../modules/ipm/.libs/libipmodule.dylib ;file=../modules/ipm/.libs/libipmodule.so ;Service discovery modes: off, light, full ;discovery=off ;Service discovery, ip versions: ipall, ip4, ip6 ;ipversion=ip4 ;[scribe_module] ;file=../modules/scribe/src/.libs/libscribe.dylib ;file=../modules/scribe/src/.libs/libscribe.so ;port= ;bsnode= ;bsport= ;maintenance=true }}} - [global] section configures general middleware options, e.g. log-level - [] section configure each module by key=value pairs. ''file'' is mandatory path attribute to the shared lib of the module. All other parameters are interpreted by each module as needed, e.g. bootstrap options to init P2P overlay for scribe multicast.