HAMcast developers

Version 3 (modified by Sebastian Meiling, 12 years ago) (diff)




hc_status - Show status information for HAMcast middleware



  • cmake (Version 2.6+)
  • cmake macro 'FindLibHamcast?.cmake'
  • boost libraries developers edition
  • HAMcast library and middleware


We recommend an 'out-of-source' cmake-build. Create a new folder, e.g. 'build' within the source directory. Change to new folder (cd build) and run:

        cmake ../

if you have not install libhamcast to standard directories, run:

        cmake -DHAMCAST_INCLUDE_PATH=<path-to-headers> \
              -DHAMCAST_LIBRARY_PATH=<path-to-libhamcast> ../

'path-to-headers' is the absolute path where 'hamcast/hamcast.hpp' can be found. 'path-to-libhamcast' is the absolute path where 'libhamcast.so' can be found. If both are the same, you have to provide only one of them. This will initialize the build environment, if no errors occure run:


If build was successful you find the binary in 'build' folder.


Currently not supported. Just run hc_status from build directory.


    hc_status [GROUPS]...


The program provides information on HAMcast middleware and multicast status of a node.


hc_status exits with status 0 (EXIT_SUCCESS) if no error occurs, otherwise 1 (EXIT_FAILURE) is returned.




Without args:


With args:

./hc_status ip:// ip://


No other files required or used.


If started without arguments hc_status prints current status of middleware and multicast group association. If valid group URIs are passed hc_status will 'join' these groups, print status infos and 'leave' groups before program stops.


LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set if libhamcast is not installed into standard directories, e.g. /usr/lib.